About Alna Rengjøring AS

Our area of expertise is cleaning high-traffic areas such as shopping centers, clothing stores, and grocery stores in the Østfold area. We have built strong and lasting relationships with our customers and continue to deliver quality services regularly.



Mustafa Karais bought the company and laid the foundation for Alna.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become a leading player in the cleaning industry in Østfold, known for unwavering trust and environmentally friendly services. We strive to achieve an unmatched position in terms of customer satisfaction. Through our first-class cleaning services in busy commercial areas such as shopping centers, large stores, and supermarket chains, we work to maintain success in ensuring clean and healthy environments.

At the same time, we aim to be a leader in all sectors by offering the same quality and care to our individual customers. Our goal is to guarantee 100% customer satisfaction in all areas we serve and to be a pioneering and innovative company in the industry. In this process, we maintain a high degree of environmental awareness and continue our mission to protect nature through environmentally friendly and sustainable cleaning solutions.

Vår Visjon - Alna Rengjøring AS profesjonell rengjøring

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide professional and innovative cleaning services in the Østfold area, with a strong emphasis on preserving the ecological balance. Through our careful and sustainable cleaning solutions in areas with high human traffic, we help maintain a hygienic environment where our customers can run their businesses with peace of mind.

Vår Misjon - Alna Rengjøring AS miljøvennlig rengjøring
"Every detail is important to us. We always work carefully to give our customers the best service in Østfold."

Mustafa Karais

Managing Director, Alna Rengjøring AS

Meet Our Dedicated Team

Alna Rengjøring AS started as a family business in Østfold and has grown to become a reliable player in the cleaning industry. We are proud of our diverse team, which combines Norwegian and international expertise to deliver high-quality services. Our employees are carefully selected for their experience and dedication, and we emphasize continuous development and a positive work environment. At Alna Rengjøring AS, our team is at the core of everything we do - together we create clean and safe environments for our customers.

Mustafa Karais - Daglig Leder hos Alna Rengjøring

Mustafa Karais

Daglig Leder

Ansvarlig for selskapets drift og strategiske utvikling, med fokus på effektivitet, kvalitet og vekst.

Osman Karais - Prosjekt- og transportkoordinator hos Alna Rengjøring

Osman Karais

Prosjekt- og transportkoordinator

Planlegger og koordinerer prosjekter samt sørger for effektiv transport og logistikkhåndtering.

Hamdi Karais - Prosjektleder hos Alna Rengjøring

Hamdi Karais


Overvåker og følger opp gjennomføringen av ulike prosjekter.

Rahma Karais - Administrasjonsdirektør hos Alna Rengjøring

Rahma Karais


Ansvarlig for å lede og forbedre administrative oppgaver, samtidig som hun sikrer struktur og effektivitet i selskapets daglige drift.

Erol Kuzpinari - Lager- og logistikkansvarlig hos Alna Rengjøring

Erol Kuzpinari

Lager- og logistikkansvarlig

Sørger for effektiv hándtering av utstyr og forsyninger.

Muhittin Karais - HR- og personalansvarlig hos Alna Rengjøring

Muhittin Karais

HR- og personalansvarlig

Ansvarlig for rekruttering, opplæring og oppfølging av ansatte.

Our Projects

See some of our latest projects and cleaning assignments.

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Grundig rengjøring
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Butikk rengjøring
Butikk rengjøring
Butikk rengjøring
Butikk rengjøring
Butikk rengjøring
Butikk rengjøring
Butikk rengjøring